Monday 2 May 2011


Lately I feel like I'm just radiating negativity. I want to go hide in a hole somewhere, seriously. 
But it's like I'm constantly seeing the glass as half empty, no matter how hard I try I feel as if I'm not good enough. There are so many things that make me happy in life but they tend to have two sides, and one of them brings me down. I'm so worried about everything. I feel like I'm ruining everyone's good day. It's not nice. I guess I just decided to write it on this depressing blog to 'let it out', but to be honest it hasn't really helped... I don't know maybe I should just see if I feel the same tomorrow?


  1. Dude you are totally good enough! You are a gorgeous, lovely, awesome person and you shouldn't let whatever crap is going on bring you down! Focus on the good stuff, eat a bunch of ice cream, and know that I'm always here if you want a chat. Things will get better, it's just that being a teenager sucks. But you know what? We won't be teenagers forever and things really will get better :) xoxoxoxoxox

  2. Aww thanks Em, I never realised you commented! :)
