Sunday 29 May 2011

Job hunting.

I don't even know how many jobs I have applied to now. All of them have failed.
Even a simple one-off painting job I didn't get a reply for! All this and mum suddenly says "At least you're not relying on the money". I guess that's true but I'm expected to get through a whole month paying for like everything with my £20 of pocket money. This means that I really struggle to save because as soon as I start I get invited to a meal out or something, it's really crap! And when mum would normally pay for something, if she knows that I have money she'll just say 'Well you have money don't you?'. At least when I didn't get pocket money she paid for more things... Still couldn't really save up though. I can never save up till Christmas thanks to having my birthday on Christmas Eve!

I applied to a job recently and was really happy when I didn't get a rejection email. But yeah, it turns out they just were never going to get back to me and give the job to someone else. So I've applied to several others. I HAVE taken my CV into several shops but I failed epically due to a lot of stores saying "No sorry, we only do applications online now."

I appreciate that they have loads of people to get back to and stuff, but it just sort of crushes you when you get rejected even by places like Pizza Hut, McDonald's and KFC. I would've applied to Burger King, but yeah that failed because it said to find Burger Kings nearby by typing in my postcode. When I pressed enter it literally brought me to a field on google maps. A field. One green arrow pointing to a field. So yeah, I didn't really know what to do next to be honest. I've given my CV in to an agency and they said they'd get back to me as soon as possible, it's been a week since I gave that in. Somehow I don't think I'm ever going to get a job. You'd think there'd be plenty of jobs up for grabs by now seeing as it's going to be the summer holidays soon...

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