I really can't stand it when people mix them up!
I mean if they don't know then fair enough, but there are some people that do know that just can't be bothered, but it looks wrong! -.-
You're - You are
The apostrophe replaces the 'a'
e.g. You're a bumhole.
You're really pretty.
You're lovely.
You're welcome.
e.g. Your cheese is in the fridge.
I cooked your pizza for you.
Your hair looks lovely today.
There - T'here' (Where something is)
e.g. Your cheese is over there
There it is!
They're - They are
e.g. They're being bumholes
They're really nice
They're awesome
Their - something that belongs to 'them'
e.g. They left their socks here
What's their problem?
Sorry for being a bit of a grammar nazi! I just had to have a rant about it.
Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ^.^
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