Friday 25 February 2011

You're, your, there, their, they're

I really can't stand it when people mix them up!
I mean if they don't know then fair enough, but there are some people that do know that just can't be bothered, but it looks wrong! -.-

You're - You are
The apostrophe replaces the 'a'

e.g. You're a bumhole.
       You're really pretty.
       You're lovely.
       You're welcome. 

e.g. Your cheese is in the fridge.
       I cooked your pizza for you.
       Your hair looks lovely today. 
There - T'here' (Where something is)
e.g. Your cheese is over there
       There it is!
They're - They are

e.g. They're being bumholes
       They're really nice
       They're awesome 

Their - something that belongs to 'them'

e.g. They left their socks here
       What's their problem? 

Sorry for being a bit of a grammar nazi! I just had to have a rant about it.

Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ^.^

Thursday 24 February 2011


I've noticed I've been having a hell of a lot of food dreams lately.
I think it is probably the combination of stress and trying to be on a diet...
Lately I've been eating a lot more fruit instead of junk, and a few days before half term, I got given a hell of a lot of work to do...

By a lot of work I mean storyboards, hazard and risk assessments, production logistics, shooting schedule, 1200-1600 word essay, 750 word essay, 500 word report, 1000 word essay and preparation for a presentation. Yay. All due in for the first week back! I would've been fine with this, but I had to go to Scotland with my Dad to see the Scottish side of the family! So that took a massive chunk out of my week off - I tried to do a lot of it in Scotland and planned to do it on the drive up, but Granny's house really isn't the best place for concentration, plus I get car sick and sleep on long journeys; a bit of a fail really.

So a result of me worrying about this?
I can't comfort eat in real life because of my diet - so I turn to my dreams.

Friday 18 February 2011


I had a dream,
It was based around Hollywood - I thought it was pretty cool, until I realised it was just like the documentary we watched in film studies about Hollywood...

I was walking down the streets (some of these I think were definitely shots I'd remembered; I find it odd that I'd remembered them because we watched that documentary WAY before Christmas), and David Schwimmer was walking along, so I walked up to him and asked for his autograph, and then a picture. He refused the picture though, "No, no I don't get pictures taken." And then I came across Will Smith, but he was too busy to talk to, the paparazzi had him cornered. He didn't take well to the cameras...

I wish I had more dreams like that. That would be awesome.


Complete change of subject now: Do you ever have those dreams that remind you of things that have annoyed or upset you in the past? 

When you gave it everything and they didn't put in any effort?
When you were messed around?
When your parents split up?
When something you wanted to do never got done?

We all get that frustration when something doesn't go the way we want it to, and a lot of us (me included) definitely bottle it all up inside. Occasionally, these things will come and 'haunt' us in our dreams.

These are the sort of dreams that bug you for a whole day; like when you see a certain person's face or see their name. It could be anything, they could just say hi or something but if you're not aware it's not real then you panic, you don't know how to react and you just want them to leave you alone.

It's sort of like Todorov's narrative theory - you have an equilibrium and then suddenly you see them and it's a disruption to your mood, then you recognise that you shouldn't let this get to you, so you make yourself feel better, but you're still not quite the same.

Hm... quite a lot of things could be applied to Todorov's theory haha
Films (obviously)
Books (obviously)

Yeah so that was a bit of a tangent, oh well.
Gotta go,
Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :)