Saturday, 31 July 2010

Lucid Dreaming

I'm a lucid dreamer - meaning that while I dream I am aware that I am dreaming if that makes any sense... 
This not only means I am aware that I am dreaming but, if I don't like what is happening in the dream, I can control it.
I like it that way, haha.
If the dream is funny, I have a habit of thinking "oh I have to remember this so that I can tell so and so all about it!"

(-_-)...z...Z...z Last night's dream:
I am standing in a wheat field, the wheat is growing really high - taller than me, and it is very golden.
The sky is blue with the occasional cloud and the sun is shining brightly.
I am relaxed as I walk through the wheat field. Suddenly I notice that there are colourful sculptures and strange art around me.
I walk through the wheat field as if it is an art gallery.
In the distance I see what appears to be beach balls bouncing around by themselves.
They are bright red and yellow and I walk closer to them, mesmerised.
I realise that they are not beach balls, but sort of like those round lampshades you can get ?

I thought it was a pretty relaxing dream compared to some I've had to be honest. ^^

Friday, 30 July 2010


Recently, on holiday, I was forced to share a room with my brother.
Every night he talked in his sleep - most of the time he only mumbled and I could hardly hear what he was saying; however, there were some interesting things said.

At one point I managed to have a conversation with him:

Brother: "No guns at the table."
Me: "What?"
Brother: "I SAID: No guns at the table!"
Me: "Oh, ok... Don't worry, I've put the gun down."
Brother: "... I kill Jesus..."
Me: "Hm, I don't think many people would be happy with that..."
Brother: "I am a terrorist."

I do worry about him sometimes.

Last night, I slept over at a friend's house. Lately I haven't been getting to sleep very easily, so I was still awake when she started yelling gibberish at me. It made me jump at first, but then I realised she was sleep talking. The only word I could understand was 'car'.
Then, in the morning when I was very lightly sleeping, she said, "Is it ok if we wake up at 9? I have to go to stagecoach."

She didn't remember saying any of that... She quit stagecoach, and it wasn't even the right day for it.

gonna sleep... 
Or try to...

They say it takes like 7 minutes on average to go into a deep sleep??? 
Can someone explain to me why it takes me hours?!
Haha, night.

"Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night."

Dreams can be boring, weird, interesting, funny...
Dreams can be real.
Dreams can be anything you want them to be I guess. 
Well, actually, it depends how you define the word dream.

Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night.